9. Saving water

Even though we think it is infinite because it is always present in our lives, water is a limited resource. We find water in fountains, swimming pools, wells, irrigation systems, etc. However, in some places and at certain times of the year water shortages produce long droughts, and in time there is a danger of increasing desertification of our planet.
The awareness and efforts of each of us in everyday life can help save this basic necessity and help us become more responsible about this shared resource.

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Assessing consequences. Sometimes when we make a decision we are not solving things only in the present, because some decisions also affect our future and other people's futures. So, before acting we should assess the possible consequences of our decisions.
Did you know that...
1. Leaving the tap open while cleaning our teeth means using approximately 20 litres of water?
2. Washing dishes with the tap open takes an average of 100 litres of water?
3. Every time we flush the toilet we use 8 to 10 litres of water?
4. Washing a car with a hose takes approximately 500 litres of water?
1. If you just wet the toothbrush and rinse your teeth you use 1 litre of water. So, you save..........
2. If you fill the sink to do the washing up it takes 20 litres of water. So you save......
3. If you use a low-consumption toilet, you can save 50% of the toilet water. If you flush the toilet an average of 5 times a day, that means .......... litres per week. And for a family of four that means ......... litres saved per week.
4. If you wash your car at a car wash, it takes 20 or 30 litres. If you wash it with a bucket of water and a sponge, you use roughly 50 litres. So, you save ............. And if you wash the car once a week or once a month, you save .............
Painting. Toulouse-Lautrec, 1864-1901. La toilette
Find out what other means exist to reduce excessive consumption of water.

© Grup IREF 2003, with the support of the European Commission, DG XXII (Socrates/Comenius 3.2) [ print ]

 1. Water
 2. Water cycle
Water is essential for life
 4. Sea
 5. Rivers
 6. The rain
 7. Fish
Water, a resource in danger
 9. Saving water
Life near the sea, life inland