4. The Sea

The water in seas and oceans contains salt in a solution of more than 60 chemical elements. The sea contains salt water, and covers 70% of the earth’s surface.
One part of the colour spectrum in sunlight reflects off the sea surface, the rest is absorbed. Blue is absorbed more slowly than the others, so water in a deep ocean is blue. The green colour near the coast comes from the reflected vegetation.
The largest part of the planet’s biodiversity lives in the sea.

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Giving reasons. When we want to justify an opinion, we need to know our reasons. We can also offer reasons for the beauty of a work of art or an feature of nature. For example: "I like the beauty of the sea. I like its changing colours and shapes, the big waves during storms and the little ones that barely make it to shore."
A) Decide whether you agree or not with the following opinions. Give at least two reasons for agreeing or disagreeing.
1. I like living near the sea. / I like living in the countryside, etc.
2. If it’s not forbidden, it’s OK to do whatever you want at the beach (or in the street, the park, etc.)
3. I don't like finding rubbish in the sea.
4. I like the beauty of storms at sea.
B) Ask about the beauty of other paintings in ECODIALOGO
Music. Listen to:
- From Dawn to Midday on the Sea, from The sea by Claude Debussy.
- The sea was happy, in Views of the sea by Eduard Toldrà.
Painting. Other paintings:
- Georgette Agutte, 1867-1922. Wave in Lacanau.
- Vincent van Gogh, 1853-1890. Seascape near Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer.
Reading. Memory.
Exercise. Reasoning about the sea, in Wondering at the World, 3.1.7.

© Grup IREF 2003, with the support of the European Commission, DG XXII (Socrates/Comenius 3.2) [ print ]

 1. Water
 2. Water cycle
Water is essential for life
 4. The Sea
 5. Rivers
 6. Rain
 7. Fish
Water, a resource in danger
 9. Saving water
Life near the sea, life inland