8. Water, a resource in danger

Most of the drinking water we consume comes from the subsoil. If underground pockets of water are polluted by filtrations of waste from cities, factories and farms we may soon have serious problems with our water supply.
Water is a resource and we mustn’t pollute it or waste it. In addition to treating dirty water, we should create other means that are less costly in technological, economic and ecological terms.

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Working with relationships of means and ends. An end is a goal, something to be achieved. Means are the techniques and tools we use to achieve our goals. Evaluating the relationship between means and ends is an important exercise in ethics. Evaluation must take into account many aspects of a situation (consequences, proportion, alternatives, etc) and combine the critical, creative and caring dimensions of thinking.
Analyse the following cases and indicate which are the means and which are the ends. Then consider if the means are appropriate for achieving the ends. Give reasons for your ideas.
1. I would close all factories to avoid the danger of pollution.
2. A good way to eliminate waste is to dump it into the sea.
3. Factories should treat their wastewater in order not to pollute rivers.
4. To keep river water clean, I would punish all who pollute it.
5. To avoid drought, deforestation should be forbidden.
6. If we don't want to turn the sea into a rubbish tip, we should treat our wastewater.
7. Governments should invest more in research if we want to solve the water pollution problem.
Music. Listen to Au Bord d’une Source by Franz Liszt.
Get information from your Town Council about the means they use to avoid water pollution and save water. 
Visit a water treatment plant.

© Grup IREF 2003, with the support of the European Commission, DG XXII (Socrates/Comenius 3.2) [ print ]

 1. Water
 2. Water cycle
Water is essential for life
 4. Sea
 5. Rivers
 6. The rain
 7. Fish
Water, a resource in danger
 9. Saving water
Life near the sea, life inland